8th December 2022
Why making no decision maybe your best decision
Today I read an interesting story about jam which reminded me of MPF. You might wonder, what does jam have to do with MPF? Well let me explain.
According to the story, on one particular day, shoppers saw a table with 24 jam varieties. The next day, only 6 varieties were displayed. The larger display attracted more interest, less jam was sold than on the smaller display day. What the researchers found was too much choice confuses buyers so they don’t make decisions.
Like the jam buyers seeing too many varieties, MPF members can face the same problem. Over 400 investment funds are offered by 27 MPF schemes. With little or no knowledge, MPF members, like the jam buyers, are less likely to make investment decisions, but in the case of MPF, making no decision may turn out to be your best decision.
Launched on 1 April 2017 as a ready-made low cost investment solution, all MPF Schemes must offer members access Default Investment Strategy funds (DIS). DIS funds take your age into consideration and offer a good blend of investments to sensibly balance risk while capitalizing on investment return opportunities.
To find which TVC account best suits you have a look at your MPF Scheme’s Form Guide.
Each week MPF Ratings’ Mr MPF will give you a practical money tip. If you have any questions or queries please write to Mr MPF at mrmpf@mpfratings.com.hk and we will be happy to address them on this blog.