MPF Fund Flow & Market Share Report
The MPF Ratings Fund Flow and Market Share Report (FMS) provides the industry’s best indicators on the quantitative performance of the MPF industry at all levels.
While covering contribution flows, member movements and churn rates along with gross funds under management flows, MPF Ratings’ FMS also delivers detailed analysis of traffic movements in the underlying constituent funds and asset classes, providing users with critical insights into market dynamics, opportunities and trends.
Delivered quarterly, MPF Ratings’ FMS is the best guide of funds flow available in the market.
MPF Ratings’ FMS is an excellent tool for benchmarking commercial performance and measuring both internal and external KPIs. The report can be used to identify product, development and asset class opportunities, and to measure performance that helps set and measure KPIs for sales and growth performance for the setting of distribution remuneration and sales bonuses.
Our deep insights into market dynamics and industry trends help our clients pinpoint winning strategies and tactics that create and cement competitive advantage.
- Most detailed market share report available in market.
- Identifies which asset classes and funds are attracting or losing flows.
- Change of market shares by scheme, funds and asset classes.
- Identifies winners and losers in the fight for market share, fund type and members.
- Enables users to clearly identify opportunities in the Hong Kong MPF market.
- Designed for use by trustees, fund managers, schemes and administrators.
- Essential tool to track market progress and KPIs.
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