Vote for 2025 Employers’ Choice

7th January 2025 MPF Ratings and the Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong (EFHK) announces voting for The MPF Awards’ “Employers’ Choice”.  It is mandatory for Hong Kong’s employers to offer employees an MPF scheme. For this reason, The MPF Awards’ “Employers’ Choice” has become MPF’s most coveted employer award, the best in market, as voted […]

Behind the Numbers: Unveiling the Real Insight

Each quarter MPF Ratings releases its MPF Fund Flows Summary, data that (owing to its independence) is the industry’s trusted source.  Since every Hong Kong worker has an MPF account, economic and market commentators see MPF fund flow data as a good indicator of employment participation and economic health. MPF scheme sponsors, trustees and fund […]

Are people wrong about MPF performance?

Last week, Mr MPF had the pleasure of sharing the Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong’s (IFPHK) 2024 annual conference stage with two of Hong Kong’s leading and unconstrained free-thinking financial services personalities, Paul Gordon, author of “Spenditude: A life changing attitude to money”, and Kevin Li the General Manager and Head of Hong […]

Does the “Blame Game” reveal itself in MPF?

Mr MPF doesn’t profess to have all the answers but Mr MPF is curious and recent curiosity led to me to a series of stories about the “Blame Game”, how constant blaming of others rather than taking responsibility for our personal actions prevents us from gaining control of our lives. I got thinking, does the […]

“Death by a 1000 cuts” sounds painful by being financially “whipsawed” is worse because it cuts both ways

Before the invention of the electric chain saw and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations gained sustainable investing prominence, a long narrow bladed saw that cuts both ways called a Whipsaw was used for logging. Rather aptly, the Whipsaw was also dubbed the “misery whip” because a day of using a saw that cut both […]

Become a millionaire while sleeping

Recently the regulator of Hong Kong’s mandatory pension fund (MPF) system, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) released “provisional data on MPF investment returns” and in doing so reiterated that “MPF is a long-term investment spanning over 40 years”, encouraged scheme members to “not adopt a short-term investment approach” while also imploring MPF’s 4.75m […]

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