Is Music the Next Royalty?

6th December 2023 The basic investing build blocks are to save regularly, invest long term and diversify our investments, but with Hong Kong and China equities in decline and Global bonds in negative territory it would appear that traditional diversified portfolios don’t work, but they do, just not all the time. In today’s blog, Mr

Is Music the Next Royalty? Read More »

Greed, hope and fear

8th November 2023 I was just starting my Asian asset management career when I heard the term “irrational exuberance” used by former US Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, when referring to the frenzied buying of internet stocks in the mid-1990s, a frenzy which ultimately led to the bursting of the “Dot-Com Bubble” and subsequent stock

Greed, hope and fear Read More »

MPF recycles the sustainable investing story and in doing so provides MPF members with more fund choices

18th October 2023 The world of sustainable investment has exploded. Rarely can one read an investment story without ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) references. Seemingly, every fund manager MPF Ratings meets now includes slides on how ESG factors are considered in their investment decisions. But, if you think the path to sustainable investing is smooth

MPF recycles the sustainable investing story and in doing so provides MPF members with more fund choices Read More »

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