2025 香港人之選 People's Choice * 請使用 「Microsoft Edge」 或 「Google Chrome」 開啟網頁投票。 * Please browse the page by using "Microsoft Edge" or "Google Chrome". Step 1 of 9 0% 強積金計劃轉移至「積金易」平台將確保計劃提供最優質的系統服務。現在是您向強積金業界表達訴求的理想時機,並藉此選出「2025 香港人之選」的得獎者,由香港公眾投票選出的最受歡迎強積金計劃供應商。 投票時間:1月16日至24日 eMPF transition will ensure MPF schemes adapt to achieve the system’s highest service standards. Now is your moment to tell the MPF industry what you want, and by doing so help decide MPF’s 2025 “People’s Choice” winner, the most popular MPF Scheme Provider, as voted by the Hong Kong public. Voting period: 16th to 24th of January Q1. 以下是強積金供應商主要產品的差異之處。作為強積金成員,請選擇您認為強積金供應商應重點關注的「三個」領域。 The following are key product differentiators identified by MPF providers. As an MPF member, choose three areas you think MPF providers should focus on. (必須選 3 項 / Please choose three)(Required) 建立值得信賴的品牌, 並獲頒獨立評級和獎項 Building a trusted brand supported by independent ratings and awards 提供高品質、易於理解的理財教育和資訊 Provide high quality, easy to understand financial education and information 提供線上理財工具和計算機,幫助做出投資決策 Provide online financial tools and calculators to help make investment decisions 提供全面的基金選擇 Offer a comprehensive selection of fund choices 提升網站和應用程式功能,讓成員輕鬆得到強積金計劃的關鍵資訊 Enhance website and app to allow members to easily find key scheme information 進一步降低收費 Lower fees even further 為成員提供更多面對面的研討會和網上研討會 Provide more face-to-face member seminars and webinars Q2. 您如何評價那些提供數位或智能投資建議以協助成員管理強積金賬戶的強積金供應商? How would you view MPF providers that offer digital investment advice to assist members manage their MPF account?(只可選 1 項 / Please choose one)(Required) 不太喜歡,因為我比較喜歡面對面的建議 Unfavourably, because I prefer in-person advice 無所謂,因為即使有好處,我也不太可能使用這種技術 Indifferently, because despite the benefits I am unlikely to use such technology 喜歡,但我只會在它是免費時使用 Favourably, but I’ll only use if it’s a free service 喜歡,因為這可以幫助我更佳地進行強積金基金投資選擇 Favourably, as it will help me make better choices with my MPF money 喜歡,只要平台也允許我進行「非強積金基金」的投資 Favourably, provided the platform also allows me to also invest in non-MPF funds Q3. 您認同強積金基金經理應該使用專門技術來監察上市公司的財務操縱和商業詐騙嗎? Should MPF fund managers use specialized technology to detect accounting manipulation and business fraud in publicly listed companies?(只可選 1 項 / Please choose one)(Required) 認同,這對保護強積金資金很重要 Yes they should, this sounds essential to protecting MPF money 認同,很高興知道基金經理可以使用這樣的技術 Yes they should, it’s good to hear such technology is available to fund managers 不確定,基金經理使用傳統的基礎研究可能同樣有效 Not sure, traditional fundamental research by fund managers would be just as effective 不認同。這技術無法持續地有效,亦會浪費了強積金成員的資金 No. MPF members’ money would be wasted. Technology cannot be consistently effective Q4. 您認爲強積金供應商提供「退休後」基金選擇有多重要? How important is it for MPF providers to offer post-retirement fund choices?(只可選 1 項 / Please choose one)(Required) 不重要。退休後我會提取強積金並花掉 Not important. Upon retirement I will withdraw my MPF money and spend it 不重要。我更喜歡能提供定期收入的「非強積金」基金及產品,例如「香港年金計劃」 Not important. I prefer non-MPF regular income funds and products such as the HKMC Annuity Plan 重要。所有強積金計劃應提供退休後投資產品 Important. All MPF schemes should offer post-retirement product 重要。如果我現有的強積金計劃沒有提供退休後投資產品,我會考慮轉到其他有提供退休後投資產品的強積金計劃 Important. If my MPF scheme did not offer post-retirement products I would consider changing to a scheme that does Q5. 您會提名哪家強積金供應商為「2025 香港人之選」的得獎者? Which MPF provider is your 2025 “People’s Choice” winner?(只可選 1 項 / Please choose one)(Required) 友邦 AIA 交通銀行 Bank of Communications BCT 銀聯集團 BCT Group 東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia 中銀保誠 BOCI-Prudential 中國人壽 China Life 富達 Fidelity 海通 Haitong 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank 滙豐 HSBC 宏利 Manulife 奧翱驁集團 oOo Group 信安 Principal 永明金融 Sun Life 萬通保險 YF Life 個人資料 Personal Data姓名 Name(Required) First 電郵地址 Email address(Required) 本人已理解及同意下列條款和細則。I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions.(Required) 條款及細則 Terms and Conditions: 投票截止日期: 2025 年 1 月 24 日 (23:59) Deadline for voting: 24th January, 2025 (23:59); 投票者須投選共5條問題 Participants should submit a vote for each question, a total of 5 questions; 每位投票者只限投票一次,重覆投票並不計算在內 Only one vote per participant will be permitted. Any further votes will not be counted; 當投票者按下「提交」後,將不能更改其選擇 An online vote cannot be withdrawn or changed after it has been submitted; 如有投票者以不誠實手法進行投票,積金評級有權取消其投票資格,並刪除其投票之紀錄 MPF Ratings reserves the right to disqualify votes if it has reasonable grounds to suspect that fraudulent voting has occurred; 積金評級有權取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動,亦可更改投票之條款及細則而不作另行通知 MPF Ratings reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the vote at any time. MPF Ratings also reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions without prior notice; 本投票活動舉辦日期及時間以積金評級之伺服器接收時間為準。積金評級不會為任何因電腦或網路等技術原因,而導致投票者所寄出、登錄之資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或損毀負上任何法律責任,投票者亦不得異議 MPF Ratings will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with the internet connectivity or line, system, server, provider or otherwise which may result in any vote being lost or not properly registered or recorded; 積金評級不會在任何情況之下為投票者之損失而負責,包括因不能控制的情況,或因互聯網供應商的限制而導致投票者不能參加此活動,或因任何理由導致活動中斷或延誤。投票者同意承擔所有參加此活動的一切風險,包括電腦病毒及其他風險元素 MPF Ratings will not be under any liability whatsoever to the participants, in respect of any loss, damage suffered by the participants arising from or pursuant to the voting or for any loss, damage or property sustained by the participants at any stage of the voting. Participants agree to bear the cost of all risks of participating in the voting, that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any condition; 如有任何爭議,積金評級保留最終決定權。此投票活動遵從香港特別行政區法律,發生糾紛時由香港特別行政區法院裁決 In case of any disputes, MPF Ratings reserves the right of final decision. This voting complies with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and any disputes will leave to the decision of the Court of the HKSAR. 同意 Agree 積金評級明白成功的投資對舒適的退休生活至關重要。為此,我們將為您提供 一年免費的積金評級獨家VIP電子通訊, 這份電子通訊每年價值超過 880 港元, 由強積金唯一的獨立研究組織提供,內容涵蓋優質和實用的儲蓄、投資和退休投資技巧。 MPF Ratings knows successful investing is crucial for a comfortable retirement. For this reason, we’re offering you a free 1 year subscription to MPF Ratings’ exclusive VIP e-newsletter. Valued at over $880 per annum, the e-newsletter delivers premium practical saving, investing and retirement tips from MPF’s only independent research group. 如果您想收取積金評級的獨家VIP電子通訊,請剔選下面的方框以表示同意。 If you would like to receive MPF Ratings’ exclusive VIP e-newsletter, please tick the consent box below.如果您想收取積金評級的獨家VIP電子通訊,請剔選下面的方框以表示同意。 If you would like to receive MPF Ratings’ exclusive VIP e-newsletter, please tick the consent box below. 我希望收取上述電子通訊 I wish to receive the above e-newsletter 您的隱私對於積金評級非常重要。未經您明確同意,您的個人資料不會用於直接行銷。 Your privacy is important to MPF Ratings. Without your express consent your personal information will not be used in direct marketing.個人資料的使用: 是次投票活動所收集的個人資料將按照資料擁有人的選擇安排。 - 如沒有選擇收取積金評級獨家VIP電子通訊,聯絡資料在投票活動後將會被銷毀; - 如選擇獲取積金評級獨家VIP電子通訊,聯絡資料將在收取電子通訊後予以銷毀。 Use of personal data: Personal data collected from the voting will be used as per the personal data owner’s preference. - For those people who do not choose to receive MPF Ratings’ exclusive VIP e-newsletter, their personal data will be completely erased and destroyed after the voting; - For those people who choose to receive MPF Ratings’ exclusive VIP e-newsletter, data will be completely erased and destroyed after the completion of redemption.個人資料的使用: 是次投票活動所收集的個人資料將按照資料擁有人的選擇安排。 - 如沒有選擇收取積金評級獨家VIP電子通訊,聯絡資料在投票活動後將會被銷毀; - 如選擇獲取積金評級獨家VIP電子通訊,聯絡資料將在收取電子通訊後予以銷毀。 Use of personal data: Personal data collected from the voting will be used as per the personal data owner’s preference. - For those people who do not choose to receive MPF Ratings’ exclusive VIP e-newsletter, their personal data will be completely erased and destroyed after the voting; - For those people who choose to receive MPF Ratings’ exclusive VIP e-newsletter, data will be completely erased and destroyed after the completion of redemption. 同意 AgreeEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.